SOMAA wins first prize "Award Die schönsten Restaurants & Bars 2021"

The SOMAA office with its blue bar was awarded first place. From more than 50 participants in the final selection, for the second time a gastronomy concept was chosen by us as one of the best in the German-speaking region at the "Award The Most Beautiful Restaurants & Bars 2021". Last year, the "Metzgerei", a restaurant in Stuttgart, won the award of the same name.
Last but not least, the economic success of both concepts confirms that good design is an added value in which it is worth investing time, passion and, last but not least, courage.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank the operator for his trust and look forward to a continuation of the success story.
The project was published by Callwey Verlag in the collective publication of all submitted works:
Callwey GmbH. ISBN 978-3-7667-2515-8, format (W x L): 23 x 30 cm